
2024 Wrapped of Alumni Fridays

We had quite a year, Rams! This year, we featured hashtag#fordhamtheatre alumni in our new series, “Alumni Fridays”. We went to Upright Citizens Brigade, Teeth the Musical, Cardozo Law School, and the Lyceum Theatre! We also featured Alumni on our Instagram through responses on our Google Form!

Thank you to all of our Fordham Theatre Alumni who sat down with us to share their stories post-grad, and here’s to more Alumni Fridays in 2025!🔮

Created by: Lynn Masako Cheng

Communications team: Catherine Otero, Lisa Virginia, Marc Plaskett, Salvatore Dilluvio

hashtag#alumnifriday hashtag#fordhamtheatre hashtag#fordhamalumni hashtag#fordham hashtag#fordhamcollegeatlincolncenter hashtag#gorams hashtag#ramily hashtag#collegetheatre hashtag#fordhamuniversity


Trystan Edwards - Graduate Law Student & Intern